In a groundbreaking move, the Army has introduced double-humped camels for logistical support in the sandy terrains of eastern Ladakh. This bold initiative marks a new era in military tactics and highlights the adaptability of these majestic creatures in extreme conditions.
Ladakh, a cold desert known for its harsh climate, is home to the Bactrian camel, also known as the double-humped camel. These camels have been traditionally used for transporting goods but have now found a new role in supporting the troops in difficult terrain.
According to the Army’s Udhampur-based northern command, the use of Bactrian camels in Ladakh is an innovative approach for last-mile delivery of critical loads and mounted patrolling. This move not only enhances logistical capabilities but also provides employment opportunities for the local community.
“The utilisation of camels generated employment for Awam (public) and also paved the way for the conservation of the fast-dwindling population of double-humped camels in Ladakh,” the Army stated. This dual benefit of supporting both the military and local population showcases the strategic foresight of this initiative.
In a tweet shared by the Northern Command – Indian Army, a video of the deployed double-humped camels was showcased, highlighting their agility and strength in challenging terrain. This visual representation of the camels in action underscores their importance in enhancing operational capabilities in Ladakh.
Last year, the Ladakh administration took steps to ensure the welfare of the double-humped Bactrian camels in Hunder, including suggesting fitness certifications for the camels. Additionally, the administration proposed earmarking a specific area in Nubra for camel shelter and grazing, enabling camel jockeys to grow fodder for the animals during winters.
This holistic approach towards camel welfare reinforces the importance of preserving these iconic creatures in Ladakh’s ecosystem. The synergy between military innovation and environmental conservation sets a positive precedent for sustainable practices in the region.
As the double-humped camels continue to play a crucial role in eastern Ladakh, their presence serves as a symbol of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. The integration of these magnificent creatures into military operations underscores the endless possibilities when tradition meets innovation.
With the deployment of double-humped camels in Ladakh, the Army cements its commitment to operational excellence and environmental stewardship in the region. This bold move not only enhances logistical capabilities but also strengthens the bond between the military and the local community, setting a new standard for collaborative endeavours.